Which hero are you?
We want to give everyone a clear, easy resource to understand our services and the experiences we offer them. This includes focusing on our core values, working with kindness, support experience, offering care creatively and embrace change.

AGENT FOX - Greetings, I’m Agent Fox, employment and work place hero supreme.
AQUA-JET LEIGH - I’m Aqua-Jet Leigh, swimming superhero extraordinaire! I work with Healthy Henry to offer healthy experiences with swimming!
COLOURFUL KEVIN - Arts and crafts can be super fun! I’m Colourful Kevin and I’m the Art-Master!
MAYFIELD MASTERCHEF - Hi! I’m Mary Merry the Mayfield Masterchef!
DRAMATIC DAVE - HELLLOOOOOOO! I’m Dramatic Dave. Actor, dancer and drama lover SUPREME!
HEALTHY HENRY - HELLO! I’m Healthy Henry and I’m a fitness superhero!
RELAXING RUBY - Hi I’m Relaxing Ruby and I love to be chilled out!
HOUSEKEEPER HARRY - Hey, I’m Housekeeper Harry. Tidying, managing your money being safe at home and in public…these are all things I can give you experience in!
WILD IVY - Hi! I’m ‘m Wild Ivy and I LOVE nature! You can find me in our sensory garden.