Training at The Mayfield Trust
Here at The Mayfield Trust, we pride ourselves on delivering training that supports the needs of staff and the people we support. We pride ourselves on providing exemplary person-centred care. We do not take a “one size fits all” approach.
We have a blended approach to learning. Our trainers deliver face-to-face training. Staff also complete accredited eLearning. We are proud of the training providers used by our instructors. We have two trainers that use a variety of assessment methods.
Courses delivered include:
An accredited Positive Behaviour Support course endorsed by the Crisis Prevention Institute. This is a 4-day course showing approved, advanced techniques that support or prevent people in crisis.
Our Moving & Handling training encourages staff to promote the person's independence. Training consists of verbal and physical training, as well as the use of equipment.
Food Safety is delivered at Level 2.
Staff attend Emergency First Aid courses, which arm them with lifesaving skills.
Other face: face courses include Health & Safety, Fire, Safeguarding, Infection Control and Equality & Diversity.
Service users have also benefitted from our training programs. They have expressed interest in learning about different topics such as First Aid, Healthy Eating, Food Safety, and more. We are proud to offer them the opportunity to learn and grow, and most importantly, they are rewarded with a certificate at the end, a testament to their dedication and achievement.

Meet our trainers
We have the best trainers, they have vast experience, and are passionate about what they teach.
Janice Kershaw
Janice has worked at The Mayfield Trust for 23 years. During that time, she has developed her career. Strating off as support worker with the Outreach Service, then supporting in one of the homes. When an opportunity arose in one of the residential homes for a senior position, she was a successful applicant. This kick started her training career when she completed her first Train the Trainer course in Moving & Handling, training within the company and maintaining the senior position at the residential home. Eventually training became a priority and she progressed to being a full-time trainer.
As the position and company grew, the role of the Training Manager was born. When asked about her role, Janice said “I have seen the company grow, from around 60 staff to 160! I have also seen myself grow and develop as a result. The Trust offers marvellous opportunities for people. I want to be a part of that. In the future I want to push for people to complete their level 2 /3 diplomas to grow themselves. There are many other courses out there that give the learner vast amounts of information, and the best part is - many of them are free. If you are prepared to work, you will succeed. We are here to help. Knowledge is power. Someone once said to me “Oh why do we bother training staff, they just leave” My response was “Even worse, imagine not training staff…..and they stay”!
Dave Samples
Dave has worked for The Mayfield Trust for over 6 years. He has vast experience as a learning disability & mental health nurse, in supporting people with mental health issues and challenging behaviours. This shows when he is training because he has dealt with traumatising situations. He can bring empathy and understanding to situations because he has “lived it”. This gives him a connection with his audience as they are dealing with these situations also. This makes him the perfect person to teach the CPI course.
Dave has been keen to progress, and his clinical and assessment skills are still relevant. He now covers: moving & handling and medication. He has a solution-based approach working alongside staff throughout the organisation, regardless of rank and also addressing the multidisciplinary team.
When Dave came to The Trust he was supporting in the Outreach service. He enjoyed the varied work this service offers. He became interested in training as it is something he had done previously. The stars aligned and he has been training for 3 years. When asked Dave replied: “In my opinion training should be enjoyable. Afterall it is paramount in care. Each location within The Trust needs service specific requirements. These requirements have to be person centred while maintaining the safety of staff and service users alike”.