The Hub offers both individual and group activities with a broad range of options tailored to the needs and personal interest of the person. Our mission at The Mayfield Trust is ‘helping people to live life to the full’, we embrace this at the Hub and plan ‘community experiences’ with people that are purposeful to them. We believe that having purposeful occupation is key to fulfilment, self-esteem and living well.
We do not believe that a “one size fits all” model works; we aim to assess needs, interests and personal aspirations and engage people with community experiences. We encourage diversity with our activities and community experiences to include fun, social and leisure, life skill development, employment, and education. Our current experiences include drama, dance, music fun, karaoke, arts and crafts and cooking.

Our facilities include…
Interactive sensory projector
Computer suite, boasting touch screen and interactive programmes.
Fully equipped music room with, percussion instruments, guitars, Karaoke, singalong CD’s and DVD’s.
Fully equipped kitchen area offering cooking sessions and the option of certificated food safety training for those we support.
Sensory room equipped with tracking hoist, waterbed, interactive lights, texture play and music.
Allotment and Sensory Garden
The Mayfield Trust is ‘helping people to live life to the full’
Many of our experiences are delivered within the community helping people build confidence socially, while enjoying community facilities.
The Trust support people to find paid work and volunteering opportunities alongside facilitating a wide range of activities within Calderdale and beyond; experiences include the cinema, bowling, walking groups, gym sessions, visits to leisure centres such as Xscape, various museums, places of interest and coastal day trips.
We currently facilitate the Tuesday social club. These are evening experiences held at the Lee Mount club; activities include bingo, play your cards right, karaoke and disco.
Longer term respite support can also be accessed through the Hub, including variable session times, short breaks/holidays.
Having behaviour that challenges, or a specific sensory need does not present a barrier for inclusion with our service. Additionally, we have extensive experience with developing positive behaviour support plans and risk interventions which can also be affective at home.
We have a fleet of wheelchair accessible minibuses, 2 large 16 seat busses and cars available to help facilitate individual and shared community experiences.
If you would like to join us, or see where the great things happen in Halifax, we are offering free taster sessions. We are happy to assess people interested in our services alongside various bespoke options including, 1 to 4 shared support, 1 to 1 or more specialist 2 to 1 options for people needing additional intervention to experience their community safely.
For more information please phone 01422 322552 or email: -
Louise Black
or Leanne Holdsworth


AGENT FOX - Greetings, I’m Agent Fox, employment and work place hero supreme.
AQUA-JET LEIGH - I’m Aqua-Jet Leigh, swimming superhero extraordinaire! I work with Healthy Henry to offer healthy experiences with swimming!
COLOURFUL KEVIN - Arts and crafts can be super fun! I’m Colourful Kevin and I’m the Art-Master!
MAYFIELD MASTERCHEF - Hi! I’m Mary Merry the Mayfield Masterchef!
DRAMATIC DAVE - HELLLOOOOOOO! I’m Dramatic Dave. Actor, dancer and drama lover SUPREME!
HEALTHY HENRY - HELLO! I’m Healthy Henry and I’m a fitness superhero!
RELAXING RUBY - Hi I’m Relaxing Ruby and I love to be chilled out!
HOUSEKEEPER HARRY - Hey, I’m Housekeeper Harry. Tidying, managing your money being safe at home and in public…these are all things I can give you experience in!
WILD IVY - Hi! I’m ‘m Wild Ivy and I LOVE nature! You can find me in our sensory garden.