Everyone at Gibraltar Road and the whole of Mayfield would like to wish a Happy 60th birthday to Lyn.
Lyn had a tea party and invited all her friends, she would like to say thank you to all the staff who organised it for her.
Melvin and Lisa have been out visiting different museums.
Melvin especially likes the gift shops.
Everyone who came to the HUB on Thursday had a fantastic time singing and dancing.
Mollie visited the Piece Hall; she enjoyed pedalling the bikes to make smoothies.
Jarrod and Adrian went golfing, Jarrod really enjoyed the putting green.
Jack has been out in the community and enjoying train rides.
Caitlan has been cooking up some fab food and learning in the kitchen, she’s also been out and about in the garden.
Alex has been really busy, he has been out in the community, visiting parks, gyms, joining in with lots of fun activities in the Hub and has been planting in our garden/allotment.
Weekend club sprung into spring!
We have a super allotment and kitchen garden. Our weekend club enjoyed planting seeds and weeding garden beds.
We went on a bug and flower hunt around the local parks and drew/coloured in all the bugs and flowers we had found.