Sam, James, Charlie and Joshua had a fun time. They went out exploring a Museum, can you guess which one?
Nathan has been out and about this week.
He has been attacked by tigers and singing in the rain at Jess Glynn in the Piece Hall with his family.
Everyone who joined us for Weekend Club had a lovely day out at the People’s Park International Film and Family Music Festival.
It's local to us, and they had something for everyone.
Our weekend Club had a lovely time at the Halifax Agricultural show.
We all love a good park.
We have been using the local parks and we had a trip to Towneley Park in Todmorden, they have an amazing inclusive park that we all can enjoy.
The people who join us during the holidays had a fantastic time snow tubing in Manchester.
Our holiday club and some of the people from the Hub enjoyed a lovely session at the Space Centre in Preston,
It’s a fantastic sensory space for everyone.
Maddie and Rachel like the swings, can you guess who went the highest?
Evie-May and Georgia have been out and about having lots of fun out in the community.
Alex has had a busy week. He has been out and about in the community, taking his time doing arts and crafts and spending time in the sensory room at The Hub.